The Pendulum Has Swung: The “Cool” Liberal Crowd Are The New Puritans by David Burt

In the 7 Hermetic Laws, there is the Law of Rhythm. The Law of Rhythm states that things in nature are in some way circular, spiral, or cyclic. Like the tides, all things rise and fall. Like the swing of the pendulum, things swing from one extreme to the other extreme.

Back in the old days, it was the Fundamentalist Christian Conservative crowd who were enforcing the social status-quo. They were the preachers and old church ladies who restricted and policed other people’s social life, sex life, and relationships. Oddly, nowadays, it’s the Millennial “hip” and “cool” crowd who are doing the exact same thing. Instead of doing it under the banner of Christianity and the church, they’re doing it under the banner of being “Liberal“, “inclusive”, or “social justice”. It’s really a Leftist agenda to weaken the minds of the masses to make people emotionally insecure so they can be easier to control.


People who claim to be righteous and spiritual have the habit of putting on the persona of being righteous. They may wear certain clothes or symbols like a cross or ankh around their neck, or wear a kufi or hijab on their heads to show the world that they’re “righteous” or good people. People who are more secular usually just Virtue Signal on social media to show people how charitable they are. They usually do this just for show, because if they were really doing good deeds from the heart, they wouldn’t have the need or desire to upload pictures of it on Instagram or Facebook. People who always Virtue Signal are doing it just for show.

Cliques fear authentic people, because cliques are primarily composed of people who are miserable. Misery loves company, especially “bougie” cliques, because being pretentious is the rule. Cliques are composed of primarily beta-type personalities, because people either have to beg or change their behavior to be part of the clique. You hardly see anybody in a clique who’s either a risk-taker, confrontational, or has their own opinion. One thing about most cliques these days is that they lack power and prestige. They have no benefit in the long run. It’s not an intelligentsia in which people come together to exchange ideas. It’s just a bunch of cocky muthafuckas trying to outshine one another. This is why honest and sincere people are almost always shutout of cliques, because they’re seen as a threat to the false narrative they stand for.



There’s a difference between life in school and adult life. In adult life, survival comes first. After an adult finished with all his or her responsibilities, then it’s alright to have fun. Adults who still act like teenagers are, in reality, losers. They put fun before anything. These people maybe fun to hang around and very charming, but they’re not responsible or reliable. These people will be in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and beyond still single, nothing to their name, no assets or inheritance to pass on, and miserable. These people are not long-term thinkers. They don’t think generationally. They never consider the fate of their children or their future grandchildren. They just live only for the weekend. These people really look dumb. Being responsible and respectable is attractive. Being the life of the party makes you an idiot.



All people naturally get sad or depressed sometimes. It’s all part of being human. It’s perfectly understandable if a person gets sad or depressed if a loved one died or if you lost your home because of a natural disaster for example. The problem comes when you are constantly depressed all the time, especially for no apparent reason. I personally believe most people who have severe depression or anxiety have a very narrow view of the world, and also have low intelligence. They think that always being into your feelings and being melodramatic equates to being sophisticated. It comes from the Gothic and Emo culture in which a person who consider himself or herself “artsy” has to always be introverted and emotionally distant. In reality, the whole artsy/bohemian culture scene has lost validity and impact. There was a time years ago that the avant-garde culture scene was innovative and cutting edge, but now it’s mostly composed of self-loathing and self-centered people who put their emotional insecurities above logic and reason. They uplift emotional anxiety and victimhood. Nowadays, they have literally become authoritarian and are against any form of structure and discipline. They think everything must be this utopian fantasy world where they can be “FREE” to curl up into a ball forever, free from putting any effort or responsibility into anything. Artsy people claim to be anti-establishment, but are in reality more part of the system than they realize.



Back in the day, the youth used to go against the established social status-quo of their religious parents. They didn’t rebel in a sense of they wanted to be evil and do harmful things, it was because deep down they knew the full potential of freedom, liberty, and happiness. They wanted to get out of the house at 18 so they can make their mark on the world. In their 20’s, they would already have steady jobs, married, had families, owned property, etc. Even though they were rebellious they still had common sense. They expressed their rebelliousness by being innovative entrepreneurs. Just like in Hip-Hop back in the 80’s and 90’s when young rappers would sale their mixtapes from the trunk of their cars, then five years later they would be multi-platinum selling artists with their own record labels. This is the spirit we have to get back to.

Some few key points that need to be emphasized are; 1. Don’t Get Easily Offended.  2. Learn How To Be Confrontational Again. 3. BE CREATIVE. 4. Learn As Much As You Can. 5. Stay Healthy And Stay In Shape. 6. Always Ask Questions. 7. Call Out Stupidity. 8. Be REGAL And Care About Your Looks Without Being Superficial. 9. Be Self-Sufficient And Do For Self. 10. Learn Self-Defense And Protect Yourself And Your Property. 11. Emotionalism is SIN. 12. Play To WIN!

The current Millennial narrative has to be destroyed. The surprising thing is that it can be destroyed very easily. As I’ve said many times before in my previous writings and posts that tough guys don’t exist anymore. The dudes who are the life of the party are mostly effeminate dudes anyway. This means nobody will beat you up if you’re different. Plus, most people have their faces buried in their iPhones, so a person with just mediocre confidence can easily have their influence felt. Just be persistent and stand your ground.


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