Your North Star by David Burt

Whenever you look up into the night sky, you’ll see straight up above your head a star that never moves. This is known by all as the North Star. The North Star is also called Polaris. The North Star (Polaris) is at the very end of the handle of the Little Dipper, also known as the constellation Ursa Minor which means in Latin Lesser Bear.

Ursa Minor

The reason why Polaris appears stationary is because the northern axis of the Earth points toward it.

For centuries, the North Star has been used for navigation by sailors and mariners to help guide ships at sea.

The term North Star also has other uses and meanings. It can refer to anyone or anything that is constant or dependable. It can also refer to a person’s particular goal or moral compass. It means you know where you are headed.

The North Star is all about keeping your dreams and goals in sight and never deviating from your focus.

Big Dipper - Follow The Drinking Gourd


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